2023…Let’s Begin
Swinging fabulously in Juniper, Birmingham, AL - giving me 2023 energy
This year was off to the slowest start. After a wild final two months of 2022, the winter holiday break was rather quiet and calm without much running around. I was rested and ready to start 2023 in full swing, but my body had other ideas. A nice combination of flu and bronchitis slowed me to a full stop these past two weeks, but better late than never to set some goals for 2023!
Now, I should clarify that I’m not considering these goals like New Year’s resolutions. I have found setting resolutions in January to be a bit arbitrary and unsatisfying for me in the past, so I haven’t done it in years. But goals…now seems like the perfect time to be putting them out into the universe, and let me tell you why. I’ve moved out of a massive period of transition that took place these past two years (more on that in another post), and I’m about to start a new phase that is totally mine. I’ve made very intentional decisions about these next steps, so yes, I’m ready to get started. With intentionality in mind, it felt good to write my 2023 goals down because I often keep too many things in my head and they eventually either eat me alive (mostly with anxiety) or disappear, so I’m going to embrace the habit of writing (or typing) things down. Maybe that’s goal number one. Here we go, in no particular order:
Get your thoughts out on paper, computer screen, or verbally into a microphone once a day - do daily mindset work for at least 5 minutes a day
Start a blog (check!)
Create an art business plan for this year (with more detailed quarterly planning)
Offer a “winter clean out” sale - time to freshen up the shop
Visit family in Atlanta
Write to your newsletter community at least 2x per month - continue offering downloads and maybe think of some other creative offerings
PAINT MORE TRAVEL ILLUSTRATIONS! Lean into your travels as a source for your art.
Paint and/or sketch more while traveling
Practice illustrating people
Have my artwork offered in a store somewhere
Start offering products, like journals, calendars, cards, tea towels, etc.
Start an Etsy site
Focus on bodily health and healing - start seeing a therapist, prioritize sleep, eat for health, go to those doctor’s appointments I’ve been putting off, and maybe try an alternative therapy for my arthritis, like acupuncture
Reinvigorate my logo and order new business cards
Take a birthday trip at a special location where I have time to wander and focus on painting
Create the Scandinavian watercolor collection of paintings and patterns I’ve been wanting to do for ages
Share more of the inner workings of my mind and business with my community
Teach at least one art class
Research and establish more local and/or sustainable printing and shipping
PINTEREST! Get my art out there
Finish my birthday florals pattern collection
Summer trip to Denmark and Sweden to see friends
Collaborate with local framer to frame my artwork
Complete at least 3 art courses I’ve purchased and never finished (already one down!)
Practice my handlettering style - find one I’m comfortable with
Make some new friends in the art community in Frederick
Attend the StudioLife art retreat with Sarah Simon in Seattle in October 2023
Read at least 20 books this year, at least 5 of them art related
Take a floral workshop offered by Whispering Flower Farm
Sign up for some in person art shows - I should probably start researching now…